The First Technology-Enabled Workflow for Discovery Scoping, Early Case Strategy, Budgeting, and Data Source Tracking.
Evidence Optix® is an attorney-driven SaaS solution that can dramatically reduce ediscovery costs. It is user friendly, requires no software installation, and employs no “black box” algorithms.
Intuitive Interface
Navigate with ease through this simple, powerful workflow for greater control and management of your entire litigation portfolio.
Centralized Documentation and Metrics
Record every interview question, custodian answer, and attorney decision in one place for future reference, driving consistency and defensibility.
Custodian Evaluation
Gain critical insight into your custodians through the attorney driven, technology-enabled survey, interview, and evaluation process.
Proportional Discovery Assessment®️️
Develop clear discovery strategies and easily run cost scenarios – strengthening negotiations and motion practice with powerful metrics.
Data Source Tracking and Logistics
Track every data source throughout the litigation lifecycle, providing defensibility through clear documentation.
Proportional Discovery Assessment®
Align the scope of discovery with the merits of the case by utilizing this patented workflow. Evidence Optix® facilitates assessment and prioritization of relevant custodians and identification of key data sources to support actionable proportionality. Utilize this defensible, transparent, and comprehensive approach to narrow the scope of discovery early, thereby reducing costs and burden downstream.

Contact us to see a demonstration of this revolutionary workflow.
Legal practitioners need a comprehensive, transparent, defensible method to make proportionality arguments. Evidence Optix® takes this from a concept to an actionable process.