In 2019, led by John Rabiej of the George Washington University Law School’s James F. Humphreys Complex Litigation Center, a Steering Committee met and began the process of creating a dynamic, organized discovery framework to realize the promise of the 2015 FRCP proportionality amendments.

On January 7, 2022, the Discovery Proportionality Model, A New Framework, was published for public comment.

Join us for the first in a series of three webinars that will discuss this new approach to discovery scoping and proportionality. This webinar will cover:

  • An overview of the New Framework
  • The main purposes
  • An example of the process
  • Questions and debates about the New Framework

The second webinar will explain the cost calculator, and the third webinar will describe its applications.

Speakers include: 
Honorable Iain D. Johnston
United States District Judge, Northern District of Illinois, Western Division

John Rabiej 
George Washington University Law School’s Complex Litigation Center

Mandi Ross
CEO and Managing Director, Insight Optix


Doug Austin
Editor, eDiscovery Today