Discovery Proportionality Model: The Cost Calculator Webinar

If you were able to attend the first webinar, you heard the expert panel explain the purposes of the New Framework. If you were unable to attend, check out the recording here. Please join us for the second webinar of the…

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Insight Optix at Legalweek 2022

After two years of virtual meetings, we’re excited to have Legalweek back in person! The conference will take place next week in New York City, with a focus on the ever-changing legal landscape. As always, we expect it to be…

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Discovery Scoping and Proportionality Analysis Just Got Easier

The Federal Rule amendments in 2015 elevated the importance of proportionality, but practitioners have struggled to make arguments based on information, not speculation. For the past 16 months, a group of 56 practitioners, experts, and judges have worked tirelessly to…

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Rule 26(b)(1) Discovery Proportionality: “New Framework” Webinar

In 2019, led by John Rabiej of the George Washington University Law School’s James F. Humphreys Complex Litigation Center, a Steering Committee met and began the process of creating a dynamic, organized discovery framework to realize the promise of the…

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DRI Panel: Taking Control of eDiscovery – Proportionality in Practice

Since the Federal Rule amendments in 2015 re-emphasized proportionality as a principle in relation to discovery, organizations have struggled to manage the discovery process in a proportional yet defensible manner. What are the challenges with “right-sizing” discovery, what can be…

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Doon Insights Legal | Reg Tech 4 Workshop

Insight Optix has been selected to present at Doon Insights’ 4th Annual Legal|Reg Tech Workshop. Doon Insights began as a simple concept by Howard Chao to bring together handpicked startups with leading investors and strategics for substantive discussions on key…

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Insight Optix’s Evidence Optix® Featured During “Discovery Judge Tank” Event at Georgetown AEDI

Insight Optix LLC, an ediscovery technology company, today announced it received favorable decisions from all four judges during the Georgetown Law 2020 Global Advanced eDiscovery Institute “Discovery Judge Tank” event.

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The Law and Technology of TAP: Targeted, Automated, and Proportional Collection for Modern E-Discovery

During this informative session, Relativity Discovery Counsel & Legal Education Director, David Horrigan, and Product Manager, Greg Evans, Insight Optix CEO, Mandi Ross and X1 Chief Legal Officer, John Patzakis will dive into the hot topic of proportionality and the…

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global networks

UF Law 8th Annual E-Discovery Conference

Thousands of attendees from over 25 countries attended the 8th annual University of Florida – Fredric G. Levin College of Law eDiscovery Conference on March 18th. Be sure to check out the session recordings on the conference’s YouTube channel. Don’t…

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ACEDS Webinar: The Potential Promise of Proportionality: Platitude or Progress?

The 2015 amendments to the FRCP elevated the importance of proportionality in ediscovery, but has it lived up to its intended purpose? Our panel of speakers will discuss the past, present, and future potential of leveraging proportionality, both in practice…

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